Happy Mother's Day to Starlighting Writers

By Heather Shumaker

Happy Mother's Day! Kids are usually the main reason we starlight.

Happy Mother's Day to all!  Kids take up heaps of time - that's why so many parents who write are forced to starlight.  If you want your kids to grow up believing in their dreams, remember to act on yours.

This is something we parents often forget.  What are you doing for yourself as a writer?  What time are you taking for yourself?  I want to be there for my kids, but I also want my kids to see me as someone who has her own dreams and follows them.  That's a powerful message to send.

So instead of breakfast in bed, what about 2 hours of undisturbed writing time?  What are you doing for yourself this Mother's Day?  Parent or not, what are you doing for your writing?

3 responses to “Happy Mother's Day to Starlighting Writers”

  1. "...but I also want my kids to see me as someone who has her own dreams and follows them. That’s a powerful message to send."

    Amen siSTAR!

  2. You're right: it's so powerful! Hope you had a very happy Mother's Day!
    And... I LOVE the new title & cover of your upcoming book. Can't wait to see it.

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      Thanks! The book is getting very real now. Mother's Day was my best ever - homemade poems and songs from the kids, a hike and campfire, AND I got to write!

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