![Can the Grand Canyon compete with the social media habit? It's trying.](https://www.heathershumaker.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/IMG_3561-1024x768.jpg)
Can the Grand Canyon compete with the social media habit? It's trying.
This summer we camped out west and visited National Parks. The Grand Canyon was - Wow. But then I turned my head and encountered a different type of wow - the sight of people not looking at the view. No, not focusing on the view of the Grand Canyon at all, although they stood five feet from it. They were hunched in a private world scrolling through Facebook.
Let me add, these weren't kids. Or even teenagers. These were adults. Middle-aged, older-aged. One daughter even called her dad out on it. "Really, Dad? Even here? Can't you give it a break?"
When we think of technology and kids, we need to focus first on ourselves. Examine how we use and model technology and whether (or not) we are creating a healthy balance in life. The kids are watching. Some are modeling their sense of etiquette and normal behavior after us. Most are longing for more real-world contact, yes, even with their parents.
Need some technology balance? Go to my book It's OK to Go Up the Slide, which includes parenting in the digital age. Chapters focus on both kid and adult use of technology.
Or inject some more playful parenting into your life. The next book for the Book-Lover's Summer Giveaway is Lawrence Cohen's Playful Parenting. If you don't know Larry's work, he's a compassionate and wise voice who understands both emotions and wrestling.
If you'd like to win the book, write a quick book review. Here's how:
1) Show your love for books by posting a book review (1-2 sentences) on Amazon and or/Goodreads. You can review any book - It's OK to Go Up the Slide, Saving Arcadia, or any book you like that's ever been published. Honest reviews only - that's what readers want.
2) Leave a comment on this blog or my Facebook page, Heather Shumaker Writer saying which book you chose to review and where you reviewed it. That's it! You're entered to win. (Winners drawn with a random number generator; U.S. mailing addresses only).
Winner will be drawn July 18.
Enjoy the Book-Lover's Summer Giveaway! Hope everyone had a happy 4th of July. Our local parade was terrific - except for that one woman who was marching in the parade while scrolling on her phone...
What about you? What zany places have you seen over-the-top technology use? Where would you like to banish it? Share your tech stories or your book review comments.
Left a review on amazon for It's Okay to Go Up the Slide. Waiting for it to be reviewed. 🙂
Guess what? You're the book winner! Send an email to heather at heathershumaker.com to share your mailing address.